The cabin is in good shape after the 3 months that we were gone. Lots of dry grass everywhere, bees busy with there nests and a mouse fell in the toilet! Great, what in the heck was he thinking! Our stay this time was to get the water going. We got out the directions that was given to us by the previous owners and started out. First was to fine all the faucets and shut off values. Well, no notes on all those places. I say just turn on the water and see what happens. Ok, we head up the the shed turn on the water, drive the 4 wheeler back down and water is going everywhere! Well guess that they forgot to drain under the house. Rats!! I was just thinking how nice it would be to use the toilet inside! Oh well, next trip we can get it fixed hopefully!
Our next project is to put in a nice big window so that there is more light in the eating area and also to see any animals coming up from the lower road. This is going to be a big project here. Have to remember that there is no electricity here and everything is by solar or generator. Measure, cut, pull staples, think! After most of the day was gone we get the window in place. Now to get some paneling or boards to finish the inside wall. That will happen the next trip over.
Of course we did have lots of time to rest, watch for deer and the evening hours were sitting out in the hot watching for stars, satellites and UFOs! I think that we might have saw one! Anyway this a photo of a doe that was eating cucumbers at the salt lick, thought that I would get a closer look and she jumped over the fence.
Saw lots of these little moths flying around the area, well you can say hundreds probably. They are white with some black on them, really pretty. Come home to fine out the they are a Pine white butterfly. They do EAT pine and fir needles! GREAT,, that is just what we need in the area! Now they aren't so Pretty to me!
This is the window that we got set in. Looks great to me. Pat and his helper did a wonderful job.
We are anxious to get back and finish the window and get started on the other window across the room, and oh the water! Got the pvc and all the connections for that also.
Stay in touch for the final results on the water!
went to Mwmorial Beach last weekend. Saw 5 bear, one cub up tree, Mom wasn't happy that we stopped to watch. At beach saw several whales go by.....migrating I suppose.