Hey everybody !!
They are are back..
Come and see if they brought some Christmas treats for us!
I just know that they brought some treats, I can smell them with my good nose!
After getting two fires going and cutting several tree limbs we decided to have a bite to eat for lunch!
Hamburgers on English muffins, with extra fixin's!
Hum, what a combo!
Looks like we are going to have company for lunch too.
Sorry, no corn at this meal!
Might check out the buck that is under the shooting range of cans!!
We had left our game camera out for 6 days. Came back to Critter cabin and it had 1023 pictures on it! Took us awhile to look at all of them.
Several of the deer must like there pictures taken, as they were on it alot.
This is a nice 4x4. Hope that he hangs around the area in the fall.
I'm thinkin' that his horns will make a nice hat rack!
Christmas Eve dinner on the fire pit! Oh, boy, was it yummy!
Words can't express the taste!
Prawns on the grill over the fire!
Veggies on the pan, next to the fire!
Now this guy was new to us! He seems to think that we are no danger to him!
But little does he know we like to go hunting for deer!
I'm thinking that he will be a nice 3x3 or even a 4x4 this hunting season!
Merry Christmas to all the deer.
May you enjoy all the corn and salt that we put out for you over the months ahead!
Now as Christmas eve rolls along, I am wondering if Santa has enough deer for his sleigh?
Seems like that they are hiding out here with us enjoying the camp fire!
Merry Christmas to all our Critter Cabin followers!
Hope that you had a great Christmas.
I know that we did.
Looking forward to a blog to end out the 2011 year.
Maybe with some exciting highlights?
Any ideas?